Wednesday, January 20, 2010

City Council Meeting Jan. 5

I attended tonight's council meeting. I've heard that the most interested portion is usually the last 5 minutes. So, I stayed the entire time! In the last five minutes, Mayor Ritchie mentioned that City Attorney, David Church emailed him his resignation today. Attorney Church was not at the meeting tonight. The email said that he (Attorney Church) would "help with the transition"...but council members questioned whether they would be without legal council in their meetings(since he wasn't there one seemed to have an answer to that).

Other agenda items:
* Swearing in of new officers
* Pledge and Prayer
* No one stood for any public appearances
* Mayor Richie mentioned a few changes to procedure. One I thought was significant was that future minutes will record council members names along with their comments.
* The city will appoint a new City Administrator by July 1st
* Next month there will be an appreciation presentation to former council members/mayor
* Change of scheduled City Council meetings for the year. Change the July 6th meeting to Wednesday July 7th; Change November 2nd meeting to Wednesday November 3rd
* Voted on resolution for City Treasurer and City Recorder to be a 2year term
* Council voted on Larry Mendenhall to be Mayor Pro-Tempore
* Council approved amendments to the Residential code dealing with accessory buildings per the planning commissions recommendations
* Council made final approval of Town Center Plat 2
* Instead of approving contract of Brian Brunson as the City's Real Estate consultant, the council moved to have the Mayor meet with staff and possibly Brian Brunson, Barry Edwards etc and bring to the next meeting a plan which would define the scope of what the city's real estate needs are. Specifically a plan to sell the two properties on 4800 West since 'time is of the essence".
* Council moved to terminate lobbyist Bill Simmons' contract as soon as legally possible since monies have been approved and set aside for the Timp Cave visitors center. (He was getting 60k year). If the project is further 'stalled' the council will look into securing his services once again.
* Discussion was made pointing out the city needed a Surplus property ordinance. Gina Peterson mentioned that David Church advised them to "go ahead"...but she feels that's not sufficient. Council members agreed, but no motion was given to make that an action item.
* Council members approved December 1st and December 15th City Council Meeting minutes.
* The Tuscana development is being appealed. That appeal meeting is Jan 14th; handled by the Appeal Authority. There is a neighborhood meeting this Saturday. Scott Smith mentioned he'd like to be there, so he could know of the residences' concerns etc. However, he's aware that since Brian Braithwaite and Katherine Schramm will be there, he is not suppose to go (since if there are more than two council members at the meeting, minutes will have to be taken etc). So, he asked that Braithwaite and Schramm email the rest of the council notes from the meeting. They both said they would.
* Meeting was adjourned about approx 9:35pm.

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